When you’ve got access to a plasma table, creativity tends to prosper. We’ve seen fabricators completely switch gears once they get comfortable with their new tables. What was once a shop dedicated to fabbing car parts has switched to creating ornate custom gates and signs. It sounds unlikely, but it’s happened.
While most table users don’t stray too far from their focus, nearly all of our customers have challenged themselves to stretch their imagination and create products completely out of their wheelhouse. We’ve rounded up some of the most surprising ones, so you can get a feel for exactly all the things a CNC table can do
A recent customer discovered his potential for engineering through a FastCut table. As ideas for new products popped into his head, he hit the table to create prototypes that could be put to use and test-driven before production began.
One table user discovered the niche market for memorial benches. It began as a single request to fabricate a steel bench to memorialize a family member and has snowballed into providing several memorial benches for families across the area.
A request for a custom sign came in for a couple of friends. Then customers began requesting custom signs. And then? A 300lb steel skull. Impressive!
A man’s love for Harley Davidson knows no bounds, especially when it comes to creating a 3D large-scale logo. Without their table, our customer admits the fine details wouldn’t look quite as good.
Another customer took it upon himself to create a new bumper design. With the use of his table, he was able to create not just one, but several. And his customers love them!
We can’t wait to see what else our customers come up with! If you want to know what else a plasma cutting table can do, let us know. We’d love to chat tables with you!